Turnkey expert producing Creation and promotion of online schools

We will create packaging, auto funnels, traffic, conduct a webinar, and organize the sales department for an online school

SMM agency «Exactly» - Producing infobusiness


payback of traffic

We organize all processes of online school launching and provide results


Comprehensive promotion

We will take on the task of the marketing department and implement systematic approach:
— We will work out a promotion strategy.
— We will prepare detailed content and a media plan.
— We will select operational promotion tools.
— We will launch efficient advertising mechanics.

Order professional advice and learn about our capabilities in greater detail

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel


Technical part



Project packaging

— We will create a selling website one cannot leave without purchasing a product or making a request for a service.
— We will configure special design system - an individual image which will highlight your project or brand amongst social media competitors.
— We will fill up a community, business page or profile of a project in due form using the most efficient capabilities of each social network.
— We will provide you with noticeable presence and recognizability in the Internet space.

We give an advisory opinion on product packaging. Leave a request

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part


— We will find your clients in VK, OK, Facebook, Instagram
— We will form a client base of actual and potential clients.
— We will organize scheduled mailings on relevant promotional events, discounts, and special offers.
— We will bring the clients who have not made a purchase back to your website
— We will remind about you to those who have taken interest in your product or brand even once at some point.

Leave your contacts and we will reach you to discuss working with client databases

Working with base

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part


Advertising with bloggers

— We will select the most relevant and popular bloggers capable of successfully promoting the necessary associations and your brand’s image among their subscribers.
— We will draw up a promotion strategy and compile a clear statement of work for all influencers.
— We will evaluate the quality of branded content.
— We will analyze the results of advertising campaigns on the sites of bloggers.

Shall we discuss your advertising with bloggers?

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part


Sales funnel

— We will describe your consumer path in details.
— We will create one or more lead magnets - products for a consumer to enter your funnel.
— If necessary, we will prepare a tripwire in order for subscribers to become purchasers.
— Additionally, we will optimize your profit without extra expenditures.
— Ultimately, we will create a “return lane” in order to retain a client and foster sincere affection for your product or service in him (her).

We are ready to create a sales funnel. How can we call or write you?

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part



— We will draw up a flexible plan for building an image in social media and organizing a dialog with users for sales growth and achieving other goals.
— In our work, we employ such tools as: market and competitor analysis, permitted methods of subscriber engagement, thought-out scheme of targeted advertising, indicators of our efficiency - KPI.

Leave a request if you want us to draw up the path for you from point A (initial state of your business on the Internet and social media) to point B (high sales and active audience).

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part



— We will think out what content you can use to gain trust, sell, tell about new products and services, increase community and website traffic.
— In creating the content strategy, we will take into account the results of analysis of your competitors and your business peculiarities.
— We will work in accordance with the content plan and relevant tone of voice.

The content created for you is no more than a couple of clicks away...

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part


Technical part

— We will install and set up analytics systems: — Setting up Roista, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, OWOX, Power BI, Yandex.Metrica
— We will connect call tracking and Albato service

Together with us, the technical part of the project will work like a clock!

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part



— We will carry out independent verification and evaluation of individual marketing and communication strategies developed and implemented by us.
— If necessary, we will correct the work plan for brand or product promotion, optimize the budget.

Keep a finger on the pulse of the business is as important as marching ahead with confidence

Comprehensive promotion

Project packaging

Working with base

Advertising with bloggers

Sales funnel



Technical part


We comprehensively address the issue of traffic for experts and online schools

Traffic is movement. We provide progressive motion and development in the right direction
We investigate your product/brand, build a sales funnel, write selling posts and announcement texts, create packaging and graphics, manage advertising. And you get recognizability, sales and reports with precise figures.

The only thing required from you is information at the initial stage.

We organize traffic for you and instead of you

More than 100 cases of launching info products. A team with successful experience of promoting dozens of projects in your and adjacent niches will work for you. Sales will grow, get ready!

Sales will grow, get ready!

Is the funnel converting? We will give you the people!

The average and most effective period of work with us is 8 months. Within this period, the sales funnels of producers pay back.That's because we predict the volume and cost of registrations in advance, we are able to “pour” traffic not blindly but efficiently and in stable manner.

Wait for stable requests

The result is pleasantly predictable.

Please, discuss your project scaling strategy with our specialist

We will investigate your existent tasks, the sales funnel, advertising campaigns, all key indicators
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Traffic channels we use for promotion

Relevant and currently demanded sites





Odnoclassniki + MyTarget


We have a powerful traffic team

These are not people, but heroic promoters!

SMM agency «Exactly» It is one of the largest agencies on the CIS market for drawing traffic to online schools and info projects.

We scale your profit, work with all popular social media and formats of launching educational products. We help online schools to enter new sites and capture new markets, become more and more recognizable and demanded.

our have been earned by our clients since day one

have entrusted the launch of their info products to us

is the average traffic payback for our clients

are currently working on projects


mln. rubles







Agency Director
SMM manager
Show more
SMM manager
SMM manager

Learn about the cases of producing experts and launching online schools and see for yourself that it is profitable to work with us


Accelerating a personal brand and increasing the sales. A case of promotion on Instagram

subscribers have come to his personal blog
100 940 ₽
have been received from sales of designer templates for Tilda
The client is Dmitriy Varfolomeev, a web designer and website developer on Tilda
- Traffic to the Instagram profile
- Monetizing Dmitriy’s skills
- Assistance in development of his sales funnel

We continued working with Dmitriy, prepared and launched a course for web designers on Tilda

Video feedback
from Dmitriy Varfolomeev

How to get free of charge 4 651 subscribers to a personal blog of a website designer and sell Tilda templates for 100 940 rubles

Promotion of our own SMMoozy School for SMM specialists

118 rubles
Average cost of request
Requests have been drawn for the school since day one
We not only promote projects of our clients but also develop our own ones. The regional school for SMM specialists is one of them.
- We have developed the corporate style
- We have created landing
- We have set up client flow in social media

The task has been overfulfilled. In two weeks, we have enlisted people for several cohorts in advance instead of one.

Case for 1С online course promotion through webinar

11,6 rubles
The registration cost was
registrations for a course
ООО Vnedrencheskiy centr “Soft Plus” LLC came to our agency for assistance in webinar launching
- We elaborated an online course promotion strategy
- We implemented creative advertising ideas for Instagram
- We launched a test advertising campaign
- We launched a webinar on an online course

Case of promotion of Startum online additional education school

transitions to the website
64 rubles
for a lead
The Startum additional education school is a franchise for children’s education the affiliates of which have spread all over Russia. They came to us for promoting the school’s website on the Internet.
- Development of online course promotion strategy
- Creation of engaging creative advertising ideas
- Launching test advertising
- Scaling and promotion of online learning

We use thought-out and proven stages of work on projects




Analysis of the product and its potential

We work with projects for which we are able to predict and provide results. At the first stage, our specialists investigate your funnel/startup, provide recommendations if necessary.
We calculate the quantity and cost of registrations based on our own actual experience of work in your niche.

Practice sales to our own team

We start setting up sales not with selling posts and creating graphics for advertising, but with training writers and designers. They dive into your business/product/service, describe it, and aim to sell it to their peers first.

We are sure that only well-developed sales can bring prepared and interested people to you. With this approach, advertising posts become a real pre-sale of your project or offer.


Advertising texts without draining the budget

Advertising is the engine of commerce, and also it is constant work with probabilities. We are ready to manage these probabilities efficiently instead of you and for you. What will we arm ourselves with? Vivid, noticeable creative advertising ideas, a fine-tuned target, and scheduled analytics. Thanks to audit, we are able to scale operational mechanics and announcements exclusively.


Advertising campaigns: conducting and scaling

No experiments at the start of traffic. It is only in rare cases that we allow ourselves to change the advertising strategy abruptly, and we carefully prepare for such twists. Usually, we take already planned-out effective selling bindings into work and show them to as many people as possible.


We analyze, calculate and explain

We intentionally do not promise cheap registrations. We are confident: the only indicator that really matters and by which we are guided is the size of the advertising budget.
We give feedback following the results of the work when we manage to track what users best respond to in advertising.
We enhance the traffic part and repeat the process again and again as long as you are still interested in increasing sales.
You, in turn, rotate the funnel to the end based on the information from your subscribers and clients. This way the number of purchasers grows, as well as the income.
This way you will be able to predict the number of potential buyers and calculate the future profit with high precision in advance.
So you predict the number of potential buyers in advance and calculate future profits with high accuracy.
Another advantage of our approach is that people consciously buy from you, and you clearly understand your value in the market.
As a result of this approach:
  • budget drain is excluded
  • only working advertising links are created
  • we understand what exactly works for your project and are ready to massively attract targeted people.
We are for healthy predictability, which makes your launch and advertising go like clockwork.

Let's create an effective strategy and the best visual solution for your project

Leave contacts and get an individual promotion plan with a forecast of the cost of a client in your field
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9 info business spheres in which we specialize

But this does not mean that we do not take on non-standard projects! They promoted their hometown as the organizer of the World Cup, frame houses and even elite cat litter boxes for 30 thousand rubles. :)
SMM learning
Design learning
Marketing learning
Children’s online schools
Advertising will be saved by testing new selling schemes
We determine ineffective bindings and disable them
We give an account of spent assets
We notify about the occurring difficulties in advance and handle them
We implement each project with a large team
This is why we are permanently searching for and proposing hypotheses of lowering registration prices and increasing traffic volume

We write down all the moves and monitor the timing of the work process

You understand what steps our work consists of already at the start. You know how much time is spent on the implementation of each stage. You get acquainted with and approve the final dates of start and finish of your promotion. We appreciate transparency and honesty, this is a more comfortable way to work for everyone!
Let us make one of the best projects in your field
By pressing the button, you give consent to the processing of personal data and agree with the privacy policy
Leave a request and get a structure and visual solution from a full cycle digital agency free of charge

«Exactly» is a full-cycle marketing and advertising agency